Game Of Life Cellular Automaton

Try to click and drag in the Applet area! Left mouse button fills and right mouse button clears the cells. Game Of Life was invented by John Conway. The Rabbits-Pattern and other interesting patterns can be found at Eric Weisstein's page.

That's the source: and

With 1D CA, like Wolfram's Rule 30, you can display more than one step at once in 2D. For a 2D you can display more than one step in 3D. A rendering with Povray of my Symmetric Rabbits:

1600x1200 true color image of the image above

8000x6000 true color image of the image above

Animated (wait some minutes until the whole gif is loaded):

The Povray-file and animation ini-file (mainly produced by a System.out.println in the GOLAutomatonCanvas).

18. November 2011, Frank Buß